101: "Pipes for Peace" Album
Hello my good friends - I hope you'll forgive me, between being sick and getting the celebratory, "Pipes for Peace," album out into the world I have not had time to craft a, "real," episode for this week.
What you'll find here, instead, is the album promo I recorded for Big Rab this morning - and that's just all my voice could do. I'm afraid it's really taking a long time to get back to 100% healthy. That's been stitched-together with the episode 82 interview with Liz, the founder of Peace Through Music International.
If you have the time and inclination, please do check out the album. It has a lot of great music on it, the money goes to support a great cause, and the prizes we have for the St. Patrick's Day drawing are truly great as well.
Here's the album: https://droningon.bandcamp.com/album/pipes-for-peace
Here's info about Peace Through Music International: https://www.peacethroughmusicinternational.org/
And here's a list of the prizes on-offer:
-Guitar accessory pack from D'Addarrio
-Kelpie Whistle from MK Whistles
-MK Stealth II practice chanter (in Torpedo Case) from Maverick
-Lots of different whistles (including GHB-fingering whistles) from Generation
-Online bodhran course from Blayne Chastain
-A tune workshop from Get Bagpipe Ready
-Giftcards for BagpipeSwag.com
And... I think that's it... I need a nap...